Space Creations

As we evolve, our homes should too

My Hobby Turned into My Business

Hey there!

Welcome to my weekly BLOG where you will discover tips and tricks, trends, and what to do and not do to help you transform your home.

This week, I thought you should know a bit about me. I’m Vikki and the founder of Space Creations.

I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal. I live in one of the best cities in the world, at least I think so – Toronto, Ontario. Every day, I walk everywhere (Yes, even on those cold and snowy days).

Fun Fact: I got rid of my car to reduce my footprint. I’m really into saving the environment.

It wasn’t that long ago that I didn’t love the space I lived in, especially when I got laid off right before the pandemic.

I used to work horrendous hours, and honestly, I never spent much time at home.

I did not take the time to decorate it how I would have liked because I never got a chance.

I was always pretty embarrassed about it because I’ve always loved interior design and decorating ever since I was a tween.

I’d go over to my friends, admire their space, and give them suggestions, but it was put on the back burner when it came to my space.

Being home ALL the time for a month started to make me look at my own space a little bit differently…

I took this downtime as an opportunity to redecorate each room and make sure they reflected who I am and what I love.

 I haven’t looked back since.

The difference a space makes is incredible. I’m happier, more productive, and more creative than ever before!

Who would have thought a touch of paint and some upgrades to my space could have changed my mindset? LOL!

Today, I am on a mission to help others create the perfect space for themselves that they’ll love feeling AMAZING inside and out. 💕

I am so excited to help you do the same with your space! 🎉

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest @VikkiFCreations.


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